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Barn Quilt for the Coop

The weather in New England has turned quite cold very early this season . Heavy frosts and snow flurries have already occurred . Winters are when I do my garden planning for the spring and create artwork for our gardens & homes.

This past week I watched a documentary on the inspiration of Barn Quilts named Pieced Together.

The film explores the American quilt square trail movement that was inspired by one woman’s love for her mother. This love has changed the landscape of many American States.

Donna Sue Groves wanted to celebrate her mother Nina Maxine, who was a celebrated quilter, by hanging painted traditional quilt block print on a wooden panel to hang on a barn for all to admire . Neighbors and friends loved the art concept . Soon barn quilters came together to create more of these works of art and started what is now known as the American Barn Trails .

This got me thinking ..,I don’t have a barn but I have a chicken coop ...why not make one for my coop!

Hopefully this may start a Chicken Coop Quilt Trail

on Instagram! What fun!! Below is a tradition Barn Quilt . Then there is the whimsical one that my kids & I created for LaLa’s Farm coop.

I invite you to join in on the fun ! Please consider posting your Coop Quilts on Instagram @lalas_farm or Facebook @LaLa’s Farm. Let’s start our own Social Media Coop

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